Thursday, May 19, 2016

Why solo traveling?...The real truth

What is it so great about solo traveling? There are so many articles and blogs about this topic, especially about woman solo traveler. I have met many of them too, during my travel and through couch surfing. Actually it is so common nowadays, nothing so great anymore. But it is so worth it to do it at least once in our life, as it can bring us great experiences about the preparation, the journey, the destinations and the most important the self discoveries. I found my hidden strength and weakness when I was traveling alone in foreign places. I noticed how my character improved when I'm forced to deal with uncertainties in places I have never been and with people I have never met before.

Anyway,  the choice is yours. Do solo traveling only if you really comfortable doing it. If you can't make yourself  comfortable about it, do travel as you wish then, the way you comfortable with as long as you enjoy the whole journey. The most important travel the world, how you do it might not be as important as what you gain from it and what you left behind.

This is written for me by my travel inspiration.
Truly brilliant words.

Let me tell the whole truth why I travel alone most of the time.

1. I am a compulsive person when it comes to travel. I make my decision in split second especially when there are good air tickets price and the timing is so right. time to check who else can come with me.

2. I started my first solo traveling when I am single and no one else able to accompany me due to timing and other reasons, not my friends, not my ex fiance (hi there ;) ) and not my siblings. I love the experience, and I get hooked on it.

3.  I am still single now. The easiest thing for singles to do is to just book a ticket for one person, pack for one person and go. As simple as that. (don't get me wrong, I do ask for my mom's blessing on all journey I made though ;) )

3. I couch surfing. It is much easier to find host when we travel alone.

4. I travel cheap and rough. You want to come have to convince me you are willing to stand, walk, climb, sweat, bear the heat and the rain at any time. I do not slow down.

I chosed 5B train over 700B air conditioned airport taxi. 
5. I need hours and hours  to take photos. Not many people can wait on that.

A self took photo of me taking photo...hmmm.

6. I do not travel for shopping. No...I do not allocate time for that. I entered bazaar or market for one main reason...capturing the moments on my camera. So if you love shopping, I'm not the right travel companion.

7. I love going to places less traveled. Again it can be rough.

8.I need my recharge time, and I tend to be very quite during this moment. Not many travel companion understand and can accommodate it might lead to misunderstanding.

9. I love to know the locals. Traveling alone allow me to conquer the conversation and attention to me & me alone :)

10. I like to be free and easy, travel time is so precious, so I prefer to go about according to my itinerary rather than to change plan because my travel companion do not fancy it.

I just need to clarify one thing here, even though I travel alone but I never actually lonely throughout the journey and at destination. It is so important that I ensure if the worst ever happen to me, I will not be left unconscious / dead on the roadside.
I always go for the following options below:

1. Find a local host at my destination and I communicated my plan and itinerary much earlier before my trip. I did this in many travel destinations now.

2. If I can't find any host, I search for Malaysian working abroad at my destination and get to know them before the trip.  I did it before a trip to Amsterdam, I found an angel :)

Malaysian friend in Amsterdam, will never
forget all his kindness throughout my trip there. 
3. Meet other lady traveler that I already know, at destination, share accommodation to save some cost, but we go on our own itinerary.  I did this on my Europe traveling in 2012.

4. I google for free few hour tour arranged by locals (usually found on Go for the tour, have great conversation with them...the few hour conversation and visit can lasted the whole day or even continue the next day ;)

New friends I made in Ho Chi Minh after I booked
a free two hours tour in the city. They are part of
SaigonLovers team.
5. If I do not have any of the options above, I make a point to email the hotel/ guesthouse I will be staying at, make some inquiries or request, and get the name of the person who can assist me the day I arrive....and there I got myself a local acquaintance already.

6. If I really can't escape alone,  I travel with a companion who swear on her blood that I have 100% right to make all decision..EVERY single decision. I did it once, my oh my....she is such an angle.

 It doesn't mean I do not enjoy traveling in groups or with close friends. The following are the proves how I enjoyed the experience with those close to me. Some journey are meant to be made together, in two, three, four or even in fantastic 5 :)

The fantastic 5, that's what needed on this
 amazing trip in Mekong Delta covering 650km
 journey. Saigon Riders, May 2016.
Traveled in 4 but I still had a blast!
Turkey, Nov 2015.

The right travel companion is important to inspire
us to endure unusual conditions.
 This is Bajawa, Flores, Feb 2016.
Chicken church hunting in Magelang, April 2016...
this is the angel who left everything in my hand
throughout our  2 days fantastic trip.
Liza, my journey companion to the rough & tough. This is Rinjani, July 16.
 This was a journey that I could never do alone. It takes two for me to achieve this.  
Rinjani , July 2016.